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Work Visa for Germany: All You Need to Know- Apply Online

Who needs a work visa in Germany?

The German work visa is officially called a residence permit for employment. However, the phrases “work visa,” “work permit,” and “res” are interchangeable.
Keep in mind that the D visa, which enables non-EU citizens to enter Germany and subsequently apply for a work visa, is not the same as the work visa. ‎
To accept employment in Germany, nationals of the following nations who are citizens or permanent residents do not require a work visa:

  • EU member states
  • Iceland
  • Liechtenstein
  • Norway
  • Switzerland

A work permit application is required for citizens and permanent residents of nations not on the following list.

Did you know that Germany is a leading destination for international talent, welcoming over 400,000 talented workers annually from all over the world? For individuals looking to progress their professions and live in a bustling, dynamic nation, Germany presents a multitude of chances thanks to its booming economy, cutting-edge industry, and excellent standard of living.

If you’re one of the many aspirational professionals thinking about moving to Germany, getting your dream job requires knowing the nuances of the German work visa application procedure. Using this handbook, you can start a new and exciting chapter in your professional adventure in Germany.

Benefits of Working in Germany

German employment is a desirable alternative for Indian nationals due to its many benefits:

  1. Benefits and Competitive Salary: The average gross salary in Germany is €70,754.
  2. A robust labour market with a need for qualified professionals: With over 630,000 open positions,
  3. Germany’s labour market is experiencing an unparalleled scarcity of talented workers.
  4. High living standards and well-developed infrastructure: Germany’s GDP per capita is 51,238 while its infrastructure quality is 90.
  5. Possibilities for both professional and personal development: by 2028, there will be a 21% increase in the number of software development jobs in Germany.

Types of Work Visas in Germany

Germany provides a range of work visas according to your qualifications and employment status. A few of the main categories are as follows:

  • Job Seeker Visa: This visa lets you stay in Germany for up to six months while you hunt for a job that suits your needs if you’re just starting out in the job search process.
  • Employment Visa: You can apply for an Employment Visa as soon as you receive a work offer. Before hiring a non-EU national, your prospective employer might have to demonstrate that there are no qualified EU candidates for the position.
  • EU Blue Card: The Blue Card is intended for individuals with advanced professional qualifications, and Indian nationals employed in IT, engineering, and medical industries frequently choose it. To be qualified,

The main work permits for non-EU nationals

Below are the five (5) main visas that non-EU nationals can apply for:

  • EU Blue Card
  • Work visa for qualified professionals
  • Visa for IT specialists
  • Visa for self-employment
  • Visa for research

Other ways to take up employment

  • Part-time work is allowed on a student visa

The procedure in Germany for requesting a work visa

You may find detailed instructions on how to apply for a work permit or visa to begin employment in Germany below.

Step 1: Check requirements

Verify that applicants fulfil the prerequisites for the work visa for which they are submitting an application. The above list contains the requirements for the EU Blue Card.

Step 2: Schedule a time with the German embassy.

In order to apply for a D-Visa or entrance visa, a candidate who satisfies the above requirements must make an appointment at the German embassy in their place of residence. Visa Navigator from the German Federal Foreign Office has more details about the application process and necessary paperwork.

Note: Citizens or long-term residents of the following nations are exempt from Steps 2 and 3:

  • United States of America
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • Switzerland
  • Republic of Korea
  • United Kingdom

However, since it is not possible to begin working in Germany before having the required work permit, a visa (which includes the work permit) must be obtained in advance in circumstances when an employment is intended to commence immediately upon arriving in Germany.

Brexit and visas: With Brexit, the UK has left the European Union. British nationals who were already residents of Germany prior to December 31, 2020, are permitted to work there without any restrictions. British nationals who travel to Germany for work after December 31, 2020, are regarded as third-country nationals. They are no longer free from the requirement to submit a work permit application.

Step 3: Apply for a D visa in your home country

The specific conditions for obtaining an entry visa will differ between embassies. On the other hand, the following documents, which are arranged according to the kind of visa, are usually needed in order to apply for a work visa to enter Germany. Candidates ought to prepare them in advance of their appointment.

For the EU Blue Card:

  • Online application form
  • Passport
  • Biometric passport photo
  • University degree
  • Job offer that states salary.
  • Declaration of employment relationship (Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis)

For the work visa for qualified professionals:

  • Online application form
  • Passport
  • Biometric passport photo
  • Job offer
  • If applicable: pre-approval for fast-track procedure for skilled workers
  • Proof that qualifications are recognized in Germany
  • Job offer that states salary
  • Declaration of employment relationship (Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis)

Here are the requirements for the visa for IT specialists:

  • Online application form
  • Passport
  • Biometric passport photo
  • Job offer that states salary
  • Knowledge of German (B1); exceptions can be made.
  • Proof of previous work experience in the IT sector

For the self-employment visa:

  • Online application form
  • Passport
  • Biometric passport photo
  • Business and financial plan (for those starting a business)
  • Professional license to exercise self-employed activity (e.g. training diploma) for freelancers
  • Proof of financial means

For the research visa:

  • Online application form
  • Passport
  • Biometric passport photo
  • Hosting agreement or contract with research institution
  • Proof of financial means

It will be your duty as the employer to complete the Erklärung zur Beschäftigungsverhältnis completely and accurately.

The cost of the application is 75 EUR (local currency). The duration of processing can range from a few days to several months.

Step 4: Come to Germany

After receiving their entry visa, applicants need to book their flights and lodging in order to visit Germany. Usually, they can begin working with this visa right away, but as soon as they arrive, they have to quickly convert it to a resident permit.

Important: before entering Germany, all applicants must have health insurance.

Step 5: Schedule a time to submit your residency permit application.

After arriving in Germany, candidates should schedule an appointment with their local Foreigners’ Authority to submit an application for a residence permit in order to begin working. We advise taking this as far in advance as you can because scheduling an appointment can be challenging.

Applicants should have all essential forms completed and accompanying documentation organised before the appointment.

Additionally, an Anmeldung or registration of current address will be required to obtain the final residence permit.

Step 6: Make an appointment to submit a residency permit application.

Generally speaking, appointments at the Foreigners’ Authority last no more than thirty minutes. If the applicant speaks a language other than German, you might wish to make arrangements for a company representative to accompany them, as the meetings are nearly usually held in German.

The interview should go well if the applicant has completed all the necessary forms and sent the necessary supporting papers. Processing takes eight to twelve weeks on average.


The following lists some frequently asked questions and their responses about working in Germany and obtaining a visa that companies and non-EU nationals should be aware of:

  • In Germany, how may a work visa be amended or renewed?
    You must seek to have your EU Blue Card or residence permit changed if you choose to work for another company while in possession of a valid work permit. Here is how to change your employer and obtain a work visa in Germany:

Some common reasons applicants are often rejected include:

  • Insufficient documentation
  • Insufficient or invalid work contract
  • Did not meet application requirements (proof of funds, German language proficiency, etc.)
  • Documents submitted were believed to be forged or false

What happens if you lose your job?

In Germany, you will be taken care of if you lose your employment, depending on your situation and type of permission.

You can register at the Arbeitsagentur (employment office) and be eligible for the Arbeitslosengeld (unemployment money) if you have a valid German residence permit and have worked a job that pays into social welfare for at least 12 months in the last 30 months (excluding minijobs). This is provided that you are actively looking for new work.


German firms can discover the talents necessary for their businesses to prosper by searching outside of the EU for talent. Obtaining a work visa has gotten simpler for non-EU citizens in recent years. Nonetheless, the procedure can still be intricate and beyond the expertise of numerous internal HR departments. Companies that hire global mobility specialists can save time and money.

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